Our mission is to invite people into kingdom activity where each connects with Jesus and grows in personal passion and calling. Our lights, audio, video, photography, graphics, social media, etc. are all part of the technical experience. We feel it is a win for our team if none of these elements detract from our guests’ experience. The Technical team gets to help leave a positive, memorable impression on all our guests.  Regardless of whether we’re trying to make people laugh, give them information, or connect them with their Heavenly Father, we want to create an avenue to present the Gospel in a way that stays with our audience when Sunday has come and gone.


We continue to brainstorm, strategize, and modify our model in an effort to help everyone walk away with something truly beneficial.  We hope you will find what we do impactful! The goal of our Service Programming is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by creating an environment where everyone is led to worship, challenged to connect, and encouraged to embrace the principles and values of God’s Word.  We want everyone who comes to a service to say, “I want to come back.” And ideally, "I want to come back and bring someone!" That, to our teams, is the biggest win.

Our tech team rehearses with our music team every week. We are one team united!

If you would like to be a part of the team that help make this happen week in and week out, please complete form below.